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Offshore BMSB treatment providers scheme

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

Please find more information about this topic via the website where this was originally published.

The Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries have introduced a joint Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme (the scheme).

The scheme sets out the minimum registration and compliance requirements for treatment providers conducting BMSB treatments on goods bound for Australia and/or New Zealand between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.

Treatment providers who meet the scheme requirements will be added to the list of offshore BMSB treatment providers.

Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme Downloads

Last updated June 2021

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Summary of key changes to the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme

The Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme was updated in June 2021. The following table details the key changes:




Updated general wording to improve clarity


Included detail advising treatment providers that all documents provided to the department must be provided in English or accompanied by an English translation.


Included detail advising that where a relevant treatment scheme, managed by the department or NZ MPI exists, the treatment provider must first be registered on that scheme to be eligible to be approved under the offshore BMSB treatment provider scheme..


Updated and merged ‘remote compliance verification’ and ‘onshore compliance assessment’ under ‘Compliance management’


Included detail advising treatment providers that following a period of suspension the department and/or NZ MPI may refer any consignments treated by a reinstated treatment provider for compliance verification.


Included detail advising treatment providers of the withdrawal status and when a treatment provider may be withdrawn from the scheme.


Included reference to the management of goods ‘in transit’ for suspended treatment providers


Included expansion of suspension scope where appropriate


Updated detail on remote compliance verification activities, separating it from onsite compliance assessment

Treatment providers previously registered during the previous BMSB risk season

Treatment providers that were registered under the scheme during the previous BMSB risk season must complete the application emailed to them directly or the application form below to commence their registration process for the upcoming BMSB risk season.

Treatment providers in target risk countries

All BMSB treatment providers in target risk countries must register and be approved under the scheme to be able to conduct BMSB treatments. Treatments conducted by an unapproved treatment provider in a target risk country will not be recognised as valid and the goods will be directed for onshore treatment (if permitted) or export.

Treatment providers in non-target risk countries

Treatment providers in non-target risk countries who intend to conduct BMSB treatments for goods that are manufactured in any of the target risk counties are also encouraged to register under the scheme.

Treatment certificates from providers in non-target risk countries who do not register will be accepted, however these goods will be subject to increased intervention compared to those treated by approved treatment providers. Treatment providers in non-target risk countries who perform multiple BMSB treatments during the season must join the scheme. If unregistered treatment providers continue to treat and present treatment certificates throughout the season and have not made any effort to register, future treated goods may be exported or destroyed.

Companies seeking to register multiple branches/locations

There are two options for companies seeking to register multiple branches/locations under the scheme:

  1. If each branch/location operates independently and manages its own staff, equipment, workload management, treatment records and treatment certification, then each branch/location must submit a separate application. Each branch must also provide documentary evidence that it meets all of the department’s minimum equipment requirements.

  2. If all branches/locations use a central office to manage all staff, equipment, workload management, treatment records and treatment certification, only one application should be submitted. The address of the central office will be listed on the department’s webpage.

Treatment companies with multiple company branches/locations must submit separate applications for each branch.

Treatment methodologies

All BMSB treatments must comply with the relevant treatment methodology from the below list:

  • Methyl bromide fumigation methodology

  • Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation methodology

  • Heat treatment methodology

The methodologies are available on the department’s website at Standards and documents for biosecurity treatments.

Treatment guidance factsheets

In addition to the treatment methodologies, specific guidance for conducting effective and compliant BMSB treatments is provided in a series of factsheets. The factsheets provide a summary of key compliance requirements regarding:

  • Consignment suitability

  • Heat treatment

  • Methyl bromide fumigation

  • Sulfuryl fluoride fumigation.

Information sessions

Before the commencement of each BMSB season, information sessions are held to provide details about changes to the offshore BMSB treatment providers scheme and the seasonal measures for BMSB.

Copies of the presentations and questions and answers from the recent information sessions are available below.

Note: The information provided in these documents was correct at the time of publishing. If you would like to clarify anything mentioned in these documents, please contact us at BMSB Treatments.


If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.

Applications to become an approved offshore BMSB treatment provider

Applications to join the Offshore BMSB treatment providers scheme are now open for new and renewing treatment providers. The below treatment provider application form is for new applicants.


If you have difficulty accessing this file, visit web accessibility for assistance.

Approved offshore BMSB treatment provider list

Treatment providers who have had their applications approved are included on the list of offshore BMSB treatments providers webpage.

Further information

For further information regarding the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme, please contact us at BMSB Treatments.

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